2022-12-26 889
The term "DC motor" is used to indicate any rotating motor that converts DC electrical energy into mechanical energy. The size and power of DC motors may vary, from small motors in toys and househo
2022-12-26 940
The varistor is a voltage limiting maintenance device. Using the nonlinear characteristics of the varistor, when overvoltage occurs between the two poles of the varistor, the varistor can clamp the
2022-12-26 937
1. Understand the gear motor you needThe first step in selecting a gear motor is to check your operating requirements. It mainly includes the following items:General requirements: envelope dimensions,
2022-12-26 845
Noise analysis of DC motor:1. Bearing noise. Due to improper size of bearing and bearing cavity, DC motor will rotate with DC motor rotor and generate noise. The out of roundness of the ball or the in
2022-12-26 783
Compared with the traditional DC motor, the electronic commutation provides higher power. Under the same speed and load, the power of the motor is increased by 20 – 30%. In addition, brushless DC
2022-12-26 866
The DC motor is a two-wire (power and grounding) continuous rotating motor. When you supply power, the DC motor will start to rotate until the power is disconnected and stops. Most DC motors operat